4032 South Parker Road
, Aurora, CO USA
(303) 699-9808
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Thanks for finding Colorado's Best Card Shop, Mike's Stadium Sportscards. Located in Aurora and open since December 1992, please drop us a line at 303 699 9808, visit the shop - Monday - Saturday 10-6 Sunday - 12 - 5 Be part of our live weekly shows on Facebook and YouTube. We go live 3x a week with 1) Singles Night with ~200 well priced singles from a mix of sports on the line, usually on Friday or Saturday night. 2) You Call It - An evening of personal box breaks usually on Monday from 9-11PM. 3) A Case Break - A standard random team assignment break usually announced on social media on Mondays and held live usually on Thursdays. Make sure you check out our Saturday drawings with credit on the line each week AND our monthly pack drawings with 1 or multiple months worth of packs on the line. Get entries to win these and more with your box purchases and thanks again for finding us!