Another Topps Screw-Up Made Right..
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Apparently Topps did not include their SP parallels of five rookies in the 2022 Topps Chrome baseball product, so they will from now on include 1 silver pack per box which will include 2 cards, and have the SP rookies randomly inserted. If you have joined any breaks, breakers are expected to go back and open as many packs as their were boxes included in the break, and if you have purchased any boxes from your local card shop, you should definitely reach out to them and confirm they will be providing you the pack, free of charge. While this debacle may be a headache for retailers and breakers alike, no doubt bringing up extra shipping costs and what not, it will be interesting to watch and see what breakers will be greedy during this situation and not provide the packs to its customers. Hopefully we don't hear of any of that non-sense, but please take the steps to procure your entitled purchase.
This is Topps second big screw up in the last couple of months, and we applaud them for taking swift action in fixing up this mess again.
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